City of Batavia – Physical Accessibility to Programs and Services (S9-24-43)

Issued Date
February 21, 2025

Audit Objective 

Assess whether City of Batavia (City) officials could take additional steps to increase physical accessibility to programs and services provided at selected City facilities.

Key Findings 

Of the 297 applicable physical accessibility components (components) we reviewed, we identified 21 components (7 percent) where City officials could consider taking additional steps to increase physical accessibility at selected facilities. Specifically: 

  • 17 components at the City Hall, such as signs identifying van accessible parking spaces and interior doors that require five or less pounds of pressure to open.
  • Four components at the Police Station, such as a level landing at the top of curb ramps along the accessible route and an accessible entrance that provides direct access to the main floor


City officials should assess the feasibility of taking additional steps to increase physical accessibility for the 21 components identified in this report. City officials agreed with our findings and indicated they plan to initiate corrective action.